“Nekè Nìl Apsokilàn — When I was Little” – Lorraine Garbiel (1977)

“Nekè Nìl Apsokilàn — When I was Little” – Lorraine Garbiel (1977)

Nekè Nìl Apsokilàn — When I was Little

Lorraine Gabriel

Indian Township, ME


1.   Nekè nìl apsokilàn, etuci-wikŭwci-tpinúkpon nipáwset.

      [When I was little, I really liked to watch the moon.]

2.   An ci piskíyak, nìt=te=hc nutáhan naka natayyéman nekòm.

      [Whenever it was dark, I would go out and play with her.]

3.   Nìt=te=hc nmace-qàsqin naka naci-kàlsin.

      [Then I would run away and go and hide.]

3.   En ci spiqapì, wòt=tahk=oc elápŏmit.

      [Whenever I would look up, here she would be, looking at me.]

4.   Ne… Ma=te tamà nkisi-kàlsiw.

      [I couldn’t hide anywhere.]

5.   Téhpu… Tàn téhpu tamà eliyày, cù nmòskak.

      [No matter where I went, she would find me.]

6.   Péci=te=hc nmace-qàsq naka on sesŏlahkìw nconéssin.

      [I would even start to run away, and then all of a sudden I would stop.]

7.   Mèc=ŏte=hc=ŏlu spiqapiyàn, wòt=tahk=oc elápŏmit.

      [But just the same, if I looked up, here she would be, looking at me.]

8.   Nit=te=hc nìl nsiktélŏmin naka ntíyan, “Mecimí=te kìl kmoskúwi.

      [Then I would laugh and tell her, “You always find me.]

9.   Nìt weci-tuci-wikŭwatayyémol.

      [“That’s why I like playing with you so much.]

10.    Ntahcŭwi- tŏké -macáha, kénuk àpc knomíyul eci-nutaháyin.

         [“I have to leave now, but I’ll see you again when you come out.]

11.    Ktaskúwhin.”

         [“Wait for me.”]

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