Note: For copyright reasons, articles posted for download here are prepublication versions. If you would like to cite any of these, you should consult the published articles, which may differ in certain respects.
LeSourd, Philip S. to appear. Reflections of Passamaquoddy shamanism in a nineteenth-century text. In David Costa, Lucy Thomason, and Amy Dahlstrom (eds.), Festschrift for Ives Goddard.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2019. Four poems in Passamaquoddy. Anthropological Linguistics 60: 195–225.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2019. Raising and long distance agreement in Passamaquoddy: A unified analysis. Journal of Linguistics 55: 357–405.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2019. Second-position enclitics occur within constituents in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy. In Monica Macaulay and Meg Noodin (eds.), Papers of the Forty-Eighth Algonquian Conference, 107–122. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2014. Prepositional phrases in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy. International Journal of American Linguistics 80: 209–240.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2013. Does Maliseet-Passamaquoddy have VP-Ellipsis? Linguistic Inquiry 44: 285–298.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2013. On split coordination in Passamaquoddy. In Karl S. Hele and J. Randolph Valentine (eds.), Papers of the Forty-First Algonquian Conference, 120–142. London, ON: University of Western Ontario.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2010. On raising to object in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy. In Heather Bliss and Amelia Reis Silva (eds.), Proceedings of WSCLA 14: The Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas. 171–182. University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. 26. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.
LeSourd, Philip S., and Conor McDonough Quinn. 2009. How to swear in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy and Penobscot. Anthropological Linguistics 51: 1–38.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2005. Traditions of Koluskap, the culture hero. In Brian Swann (ed.), Algonquian spirit: Contemporary translations of the Algonquian literatures of North America, 99–111. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2006. Problems for the Pronominal Argument Hypothesis in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy. Language 82: 486–514.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2004. The legendary Tom Laporte: A Maliseet tradition. In Brian Swann (ed.), Voices from four directions: Contemporary translations of the Native literatures of North America, 546–560. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2003. The noun substitute in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy. In Blair A. Rudes and David C. Costa (eds.), Essays in Algonquian and Siouan linguistics in memory of Frank T. Siebert, Jr., 141–163. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2003. Reflexes of Proto-Algonquian *wi·la ‘he, she’ in Maliseet- Passamaquoddy. International Journal of American Linguistics 69: 357–369.
LeSourd, Philip S. 2000. The Passamaquoddy “witchcraft tales” of Newell S. Francis. Anthropological Linguistics 42: 441–498.
LeSourd, Philip S. 1995. Diminutive verb forms in Passamaquoddy. International Journal of American Linguistics 61: 103–134.